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Does the Perfect Man Really Exist?

So the other day my roommates and I were sitting in our living room talking about boys and our various relationships, or lack thereof, and of course one of the girls says we should set her up with a guy. Of course we get all giddy like girls do and start trying to brainstorm a perfect guy for her. In the process, a list of her perfect guy begins to be formed and I realized how incredibly picky us girls can be and how we live in an unrealistic world.

After talking for a solid hour, we came up with a list of, I kid you not, no less than 28 various details this guy is required to have for her to date him. To list a few: perfect eye sight, can’t be color blind, rich, a super genius, between 5’10-6’3. Yes, it’s ridiculous, I know. Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t know what you’re looking for in a guy. I think it’s important to have those non-negotiables of what you personally need in a guy. For example, a few of mine are a man with a relationship with God, a selfless man, and a loyal man.

But friends, I am here to tell you that you are not going to find a man on this earth that fits every detail on your perfect guy list. A perfect prince charming doesn’t exist and a perfect relationship without struggles doesn’t exist. A girlfriend of mine told me this the other day and it stuck with me. She said her boyfriend didn’t complete her, but he complimented her in a way no one else could. That’s what we need to look for ladies. You always hear people and media say find the one that completes you, but that’s not possible.

Friends, I’m here to tell you that the only man that is perfect and that will complete you and make you feel whole and bring you that joy you so long for is Jesus Christ. Because people as a whole are flawed, I think we can all agree that everyone has done something bad, and because of those bad things we do, we have to pay for them, but listen here’s where the craziness happens. God sent His son, Jesus, to earth and Jesus lived a perfect life and died on a cross. When he did that he paid for our evilness, so when we ask God for healing and to be in control of our lives, because we can’t do it alone, that emptiness we so often try to fill with a boyfriend will be fulfilled.

When we realize that all humans are flawed, only then we can find a guy that, yeah probably won’t have all the ideal details we want, but that compliments us and makes us a better person.

So delete the list you have of your perfect guy, it’s okay to admit you have one, I did to at one point, and focus on finding a guy that compliments you, because the only one that will complete you is Jesus.

I wrote this article a while back and stumbled upon it today. I realized how applicable it still is and wanted to share!


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